Friday, August 11, 2006

Pops Fernandez's FHM Gig

You have to take a second, hard look at the cover of the latest issue of FHM magazine to realize that – yes, indeed – it’s Pops Fernandez you’re staring at with incredulity. Her face has been so "chiseled" (digitally-enhanced?) that Pops didn’t look like the Pops that you and I have known all these years. "She’s all lips," commented Abante columnist Jojo Gabinete. I agree. Pops must have done something to her lips (salamat po, Dr. Vicki Belo?) in an effort to look like Angelina Jolie, just like what some local actresses are also doing.

Turn to the inside pages and your eyes will pop out in disbelief. Is this the Pops that we used to know, short of baring intimate parts of the body she had taken so much care of not to show? What has gotten into her pretty head to pose in this manner expected only of bold stars starving for public attention? What is she trying to prove?

Full Story

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